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The 2016 Republican National Convention will convene in Cleveland, Ohio on July 18-21, 2016

Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old African American boy, occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy ...
‎John Crawford III - ‎Akai Gurley - ‎Airsoft gun - ‎Shooting of Andy Lopez
Cleveland blames Tamir Rice, 12, for his own death, then ...
Los Angeles Times
Mar 2, 2015 - Hours after Tamir Rice's family angrily criticized Cleveland for contending in legal documents that the 12-year-old was to blame for his death at ...
City of Cleveland amends response to Tamir Rice lawsuit by ...

Protesters block traffic

Cashing in on RNC: Home rental going for $40K a week ...

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Republican National Convention sparks inflated rental market

Oct 28, 2014 - Northeast Ohio residents are starting to offer up their homes for a hefty price to Republican National Convention goers headed to Cleveland in ...
Rents in Cleveland skyrocket ahead of Republican National ..

Mar 13, 2015 - ... move into downtown Cleveland for the 2016 Republican National Convention next summer, many residents will be moving out -- and renting ...
Northeast Ohio family considering renting out their home ...

cleveland rnc rentals


Cleveland Live Stream: DAHBOO7 Channel

GreaterCleveland CopBlock, OhioCopBlock,

Articles Tagged With: 137 shots fired, Accountability, assault, blue wall of silence, Brutality, Civil rights, Cleveland, cleveland police, Cleveland Scene, copblock,, Corruption, Dishonesty, double-standards, excessive force, film the police, Frank Garmback, Homicide, Justice System, killer cops, Lamestream media, malissa williams, Officer Michael Brelo, OH, Ohio, police, police abuse, police accountability, Police brutality, Police State, rights, riots, Tamir Rice, thin blue line, Timothy Loehmann, timothy russell, truth voice, Truth Voice news, Update

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Cleveland Community Relations' Peacekeeper Meetings are for "Hand-Picked" Individuals Only. Media Not Welcome

Wednesday, May 20, 2015 10:58 AM

We had some secondhand inkling that the "counterintelligence" operations discussed at previous meetings —
They seemed a lot more like the province of "agents," frankly, and quite a bit closer to COINTELPRO rhetoric than we were comfortable with.

Cleveland preparations for and decisions: Darcy cartoon

Jackson Recall Campaign To Begin

8:40 p.m. EDT May 20, 2015


CLEVELAND -- The very long-shot campaign to recall Mayor Frank Jackson filed the first legal paperwork to begin the push for a recall vote.

The affidavits filed with the City Council Clerk's office said Jackson should be recalled for "failure to responsibly discharge the duties of his office, his willful neglect to enforce the law and/or perform the official duties imposed on him by law and his nonfeasance in office."

The campaign plans to start circulating petitions at a Thursday rally. Slightly more than 12,000 signatures must be submitted within 30 days. If the effort comes up short, there's another 20 days to collect needed signatures.

The campaign has held four educational meetings around the city to spread its message and stir up support.

The group's leaders include lawyer/activist and onetime mayoral candidate Mike Nelson and longtime crusader for black contractors and workers Norman Edwards. Both are longtime, serious critics of Jackson.

Cleveland paid out $100,000 to woman involving excessive force lawsuit against officer in Tamir Rice shooting

leveland paid out $100,000 earlier this year to a city resident to settle an excessive force lawsuit brought against an officer involved in the Tamir Rice shooting.

The settlement, reached in U.S. District Court in Cleveland, involved Cleveland Patrolman Frank Garmback and stemmed from a 2010 confrontation he had with Tamela Eaton while the officer and his partner were tracking a slaying suspect near West 112th and Clifton Boulevard, records show.

To some, the case was hardly clear, as county prosecutors charged Eaton with punching the officer and resisting arrest. A county jury later acquitted her. She filed the federal suit two years later, and the city settled with her in March.

The settlement did not appear in Garmback's personnel file. It was, however, in a listing the city gave The Plain Dealer late Wednesday stemming from a public records request the newspaper had filed months ago. The listing included payments the city made to settle lawsuits brought against officers.

Garmback has been a police officer with the city since 2008.

Eaton's attorneys, Steven Bradley and Mark Marein, said in federal court documents that the confrontation with Garmback and officer Tim Guerra happened like this:

On Aug. 7, 2010, Eaton, who was 39 at the time, returned to her home to find a car parked in front of her driveway on Clifton Boulevard. She called Cleveland police and to have a tow-truck sent. Eaton then got ready for bed.

Unbeknownst to Eaton, Cleveland police had been sent to Eaton's neighborhood to find a suspect in a slaying. Garmback and Guerra found a man and woman walking down the street. The officers quickly arrested the man, despite the woman's loud protests, according to documents Bradley and Marein filed.

Eaton came out of her home and believed that the officers were responding to her complaint of the car blocking her driveway. The lawsuit said Eaton did not want the person arrested for her complaint.

The suit said Garmback initially argued with Eaton. It said Garmback then "rushed (Eaton) and placed her in a chokehold, tackled her to the ground, twisted her wrist and began hitting her body. Officer Guerra rushed over and proceeded to punch Tamela Eaton in the face multiple times.''

The suit said "such reckless, wanton and willful excessive use of force proximately caused bodily injury to (Eaton).''

But county prosecutors placed the blame with Eaton
Cleveland dispatcher who handled Tamir Rice shooting has previous arrest, was fired from previous dispatcher job

The police dispatcher who sent Cleveland officers to Cudell Commons on Nov. 22, when Tamir Rice was fatally shot, was fired from her first police dispatcher job in September 2008, the same month she was arrested and charged with bringing a gun to a bar.

Beth Mandl, then 26 years old, was hired as a dispatcher at Case Western Reserve University's police department in March of 2005, according to her personnel file released Wednesday by Cleveland City Hall.

Mandl said on her application that her employment there ended in September of 2008, when she was terminated. A university spokesman said the school, a private entity, does not discuss personnel matters.

The termination came the same month of Mandl's Sept. 29, 2008 arrest on a concealed carry violation. She was charged with bringing a gun into a liquor establishment, according to court records.

Her case was bound over to a Cuyahoga County grand jury, according to court records, but the county has no record of the case. A Cleveland Municipal Court spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

awaiting verdict in trial, officer who shot 49 times at unarmed black couple, killing both

Kimber Hussein Obama added,

Cleveland police charged 12-year-old Tamir Rice with “aggravated menacing” and “inducing panic,” according to documents published by the Daily Kos on Wednesday.

The incident report is dated Nov. 29, 2014, a week after Rice was fatally shot by 26-year-old Officer Timothy Loehmann within two seconds of encountering him at a local park. Neither Loehmann nor 46-year-old Officer Frank Garmback, who also responded to the call, administered medical treatment immediately following the shooting.

The document lists a “facsimile firearm” as part of the case narrative. Loehmann killed Rice believing him to be carrying an actual weapon. However, emergency dispatchers were originally told that the Airsoft rifle the boy had with him at the time was “probably fake.” Footage from the scene also shows the officers handcuffing Rice’s sister.

How one Cleveland police officer's lawsuit gives public rare view of department's disciplinary process

Cleveland cop acquitted in 2012 shooting of unarmed couple, firing ...

Cleveland Officer Michael Brelo Found Not Guilty in Car Hood Shooting

What led to the deaths of Russell and Williams, prosecutors said, was a chase that began when a car driven by Russell backfired --

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