A Ning community to occupy, share & connect – quickly

A Ning community to occupy, share & connect – quickly

At Ning, we’ve long believed in providing a platform enabling people to create communities for the things most important to them; allowing you to share and connect freely, with anyone. What’s blossomed has been Ning Networks whose topics and foci run the gamut, and as a Ning employee I think it’s been incredibly awesome to see so many communities grow and flourish.

By now, you’ve probably heard about the Occupy protests happening around the world. The Occupy movement is making the headline news, while student-captured footage of the UC Davis pepper spray incident has had millions of views and shares on YouTube and Facebook (along with many tongue-in-cheek memes). People are sharing their personal stories of economic and career hardship, and governments are being asked to take responsibility and help their people. A longtime muted 99% is now being heard worldwide through these protests and the sharing of information online.

In the past, we’ve highlighted how people discover and find Ning communities in both times of joy and hardship or uncertainty. Given what’s been happening, an Occupy Wall Street YouTube video linking to the Ning Network, Occupy America Social Network, caught our attention. The community is primarily using the Ning Platform to share information through the Blog and Video features, both of which are prominently highlighted on the community’s homepage. Posts and uploads began at the end of September and according to Site Meter, there are now over 140 blog posts and 170 videos relating to the movement from occupiers around the world, attracting about 1,400 visitors to the site daily.

Topicality aside, the Occupy America Social Networkgets at what we’re all about – it’s a prime example of how easily the Ning Platform can be used as a “pop-up shop” of sorts for quickly organizing people through online community. Given a passionate base of supporters, we can’t wait to see where the Occupy America Social Network goes from here.

What is your community standing up for, and how is the Ning Platform giving you a voice? Let us know in the comments.

Jason Rand
Posted by Jason Rand, written on November 22, 2011 – 10:30 am.

It is filed under Ning Network Spotlight (Permalink)

Occupy Cal (Nov 15), photo by Daniel Parks


Views: 132

Comment by Terry Bain on January 4, 2012 at 6:34pm

OK - we get "about 1,400 visitors to the site daily" but  only 15 people  (as of right now) have viewed this.  Either we are getting a lot of people through here that can't read (that is hard to believe) or that view count doesn't reflect what keeps bringing people here.  WTF

Comment by MOD on January 8, 2012 at 11:10am

The site meter on the site was fairly accurate at the time of this post. Since than, it seems the site dropped considerably in regards to traffic.

Most traffic came to a single page from wrh or other social sites like FB.


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