Occupy America Social Network
The victory of the West over state capitalism (Communism) was won at a high cost. And now a deep structural crisis threatens to destabilize all economies. <i>The main structural contradiction of capitalism is now between the tendency to establish a world economy and market, and maintenance of the 'nation state' as an instrument of regulation. </i>
The nation states of the 'developed' world, under pressure from the corporations, are consciously establishing the free flow of international capital. Nation states are thus deprived of the means of controlling speculation and robbed of an important part of their power. A national economic strategy can today function only where it matches the interests of the world financial markets.
This, in effect, establishes worldwide fiefdoms ruled by corporate magnates, i.e. corporate CEO’s. The ‘governments’ of these fiefdoms, formerly nation-states, will have minimal powers outside of performing the necessary regulation of the fiefdom’s economy to keep it in tune the world economy, to settle disputes between the ‘lords’ of the individual fiefdoms, and to keep the rabble in line. All this will better the lot of the wealthy aristocracy at the expense of impoverishing the people.
But the globalization of the economy does not necessarily lead to uniform economic order. The General Agreement on Trades and Tariffs (GATT) negotiations, managed by the WTO, show that economic warfare via lowering of costs of production and controlling profitable technologies leading to the accumulation of capital remains the driving force of the world economy.
WTO negotiations (together with parallel regulatory frameworks such as the Kyoto and Doha accords) continue to be dominated by western corporations and their drive to invade and dominate markets around the world where there still remain abundant resources or a subject workforce or both.
In this regard, workers the ‘subject workforce’ end up being owned by the corporation they work for. Western corporations control most of the power worldwide, thus these powerful Western corporations bestow the most ‘perks’ on its executives with very little trickling down to the workers, thus creating a permanent underclass.
Nation-state governments will continue to become less & less a part of workers lives as it will only have the power to command the armed forces and represent the country in dealing with foreign powers with little power within the borders of the country.
Humanist thought acts as a veil to hide the violence of domination in everyday life. The ideology of human rights, one of the cornerstones of humanism, is now soft-pedaled via humanitarianism. Humanitarianism does not seek to dispense with the horrors of war and famine, but to make them more supportable. It is no surprise that corporations sponsor charity programs.
In the West, social decay, the fear of growing poverty and the lack of any political thought or alternative has led to the growth of a new totalitarianism founded on irrationality, just look at Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. The crisis of humanist thought favors the reintroduction of a reactionary moral order.
Moral Majorities, the New Right, and the Neo-Cons are all of the same breed. Most of these mass religious fundamentalist currents are led by national elites. Worldwide, these are all supported by the West as a means of undermining the elites of other countries who had formed defensive international alliances, often orientated towards the Soviet Union and China.
Mainly secular and internationalist in outlook, these holdouts had resisted penetration of their societies by western finance and corporations. But, as the Soviet Bloc collapsed and populations restive for western commodities or religious certainty arose, they tumbled one by one. These newly-powerful fundamentalist movements are rarely anti-capitalist.
The undeniable popular support religious fundamentalism enjoys, has deep-rooted causes. For many populations religion is a means of relating to a society in transformation; where traditional economies are in the process of being dismantled; where the state functions only as a brutal means of repression and in defense of a corrupt order.
Fundamentalism succeeds when old beliefs fail to make sense of reality. The development of fundamentalist movements takes place because a reply is needed to a society in disintegration. Excluded from mass consumerism, the dominated peoples turn to traditional religion and a return to the 'holy'.
<b>The Role of Politics</b>
The [supposed] proper function of the political system is to minimize initiations of unjustified force - whether initiated by criminals or by the political system itself - against innocent persons. <i>Can this be done by a market? Can this be accomplished by Corporatocracy? Can this be accomplished via rule by rich, wealthy CEOs?</i>There is no reason to expect that the overall use of unjustified force against innocent persons will be minimized by a market. To see how this works itself out in practice, one needs to examine historical data on systems that approximated a regime of “market law.”
There are at least two instances in the history of the Western world of systems of “market law.” The more distant of the two was medieval Iceland. Isolated, and having a population small enough that most people were known to everyone they ever met by first name, and totally uniform in religion, language and culture, medieval Iceland was by far the best candidate, ever, for a successful market law polity. It eventually failed, but not before producing great sagas and many innovative solutions to general political problems.
The more recent case is more directly applicable to our reality today. It took place closer to our time, and even overlapped, in its last years, the first years of the United States. It was modern, diverse, and at its peak had the largest land area and the largest population among the countries of Europe. It was the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, and it lasted formally from 1573 to 1795.
The roots of the commonwealth were planted by Prince (from 1320 king) Vladislav IV Lokietek, who raised a military force with which he unified Poland by promising to <i>“every man who joined the king’s military estate (Szlachta) with a horse and an equerry, that he and his descendants would be forever free from taxes, except as levied by an assembly (Seym) elected by the hereditary Szlachta.” </i>
Over generations the Seym refused to raise taxes to support internal government in Poland, and after Poland’s union with Lithuania a similar process took place in Lithuania as well. In 1573 the Seym transformed the united commonwealth into a republic; the office of King became elective and included command of the armed forces in foreign wars, and representation of the country in dealing with foreign powers, but without much actual power inside the borders of the commonwealth.
As internal government evaporated, most of the wealthiest members of the Szlachta obtained appointments as state officials whose responsibilities included supervision of regional militias. These appointments authorized the office holder to maintain his own armed forces, funded and commanded by their owner, although nominally supplementing the dwindling armed forces of the state as supernumerary auxiliaries. The actual primary function of these private armies was to protect their employers’ properties, since official agencies of internal law enforcement were disappearing.
The owners of private armies were called magnaci (singular magnat, thence magnate in English). Eventually, some magnates made arrangements to extend the protection of their private armies to other persons, clients from among commoners and less wealthy Szlachta. This arrangement was codified as a legal contract in the case of commoners, and was practiced as an informal understanding between the magnate and his client if the client was a Szlachcic.
The client paid the magnate who protected him with services, with votes in the Seym, or in crops or commodities, or in cash. With the state administration progressively withering away, the magnates retained judges, adjudicated disputes and levied punishments among their clients, operated private prisons and executed convicts; negotiated, magnate to magnate, disputes among their respective clients, and operated, in every way, very much like the “market defense agencies” or “market law enterprises” projected by Rothbard 1970, Friedman 1989, or Benson 1990.
One of the services that the magnate expected of his clients was to keep arms and assist the magnate’s private army with law enforcement duties when the client was called on. This system was very effective in nearly eliminating common crime. At a time when most of Europe still suffered from the presence of brigands and highwaymen, Poland’s cities and highways were generally safe and free from violent criminals.
The magnate system also led to the discovery of a new way of national defense due to there being no established order of internal government that an invader might use to impose his control.
In 1655 Sweden (aided by Brandenburg and Transylvania) invaded the Commonwealth. Poland’s vestigial official government quickly left. The invaders soon found themselves literally wandering around the country, with few of its inhabitants willing to do anything for the invaders except when literally forced to at the point of a Swedish musket.
Unable to either govern or collect taxes on their own, the Swedes turned to the magnates, but only a few (Janusz and Bogusław Radziwiłł, Krzysztof Opaliński, Bogusław Leszczynski, Jan Schlichting, and Hieronim Radziejowski) were willing to be hired. Totally frustrated, at least in areas outside the reach of the half-dozen traitor magnates, unable to tax, harassed by “parties” of armed inhabitants (the first modern instance of “partisan warfare”), the Swedes eventually left, leaving behind them a trail of destruction and arson comparable, in previous Polish history, only to the Tatar invasion of 1241.
Two of the traitors (Janusz Radziwiłł and Krzysztof Opaliński) died, of natural causes, before the end of the Swedish invasion. The other four, however, continued in the magnate business afterward as though nothing had happened. In an impressive display of class solidarity, for the entire duration of the commonwealth no magnate ever took any action against another magnate’s crimes, no matter how vile those crimes might have been. No magnate ever took up arms to protect anyone, even his closest clients, against the depredations of another magnate.
The magnates did a creditable job of keeping their clients safe from minor (non-magnate) criminals, but no ordinary man was ever safe from the whims of a criminal magnate. The extreme reluctance of magnates to confront each other manifested itself in other ways, beyond giving individual magnates absolute license to commit any crime at will. In resolving litigation among clients of different magnates, the judges’ objective was not justice, but rather whatever compromise it took to defuse the risk of a potential armed confrontation. These compromises became the butt of jokes and biting satire. The typical compromise paid far less attention to objective justice than to the balance of power between the litigants and their protectors.
Like any class that ever managed to make itself immune to the law, the magnates were seldom openly corrupt and criminal. The most common form of covert corruption was for a magnate to increase a commoner client’s obligations retroactively, putting the client into debt that the client had no power to contest.
Debts were transferred by the magnate from a deceased client to the client’s children, so that within a century the average man was saddled with unilaterally imposed debt that neither he nor his children could ever hope to repay—and no one was allowed to leave his magnate’s jurisdiction without having paid off their debts. Thus a majority of the non-Szlachta population of the commonwealth were transformed from free men into near-feudal serfs, permanently attached by debt to one magnate or another.
Another form of corruption that became increasingly common among magnates was arbitrary enforcement of religious codes contrary to the custom and law of the commonwealth. The population of the commonwealth was more diverse in religious orientations than that of any other country in the known world. The Roman Catholic Church was always the largest denomination, followed by orthodox and Uniate churches and some dozen varieties of Protestantism, Jews, Muslims, Zoroastrian refugees from Islamic rule in Persia, and eventually Unitarians. In its early history, the commonwealth became the main destination for refugees from religious wars and religious bigotry elsewhere in Europe. By the mid-1600s, more than 90% of Europe’s Jews lived in the commonwealth. Among the refugees from the Austrian catholic conquest of Bohemia and Moravia who settled in Poland was Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius), bishop of Moravian Brethren, inventor of the modern illustrated textbook and originator of the term “enlightenment” (Via Lucis).
Lelius Socinius and his nephew Faustus Socinius, born in Siena in 1526 and 1539 respectively, were accused of heresy for denying original sin, the divinity of Jesus, and the Trinity. In the second half of the 1500s they took refuge in Poland, where they founded Unitarianism.
Starting in 1638, Rome began to demand of the more extreme catholic magnates that they act forcefully against the Unitarians, whom the Pope considered a revival of the ancient “Arian heresy.” An opportunity to do so arose after the Swedish invasion, during which Jan Schlichting, a Unitarian, was one of the six magnates who collaborated with the Swedes. Not understanding the praxeological mechanism of the Swedish defeat [Praxeology is the study of human action; in this case why the Swedes were defeated] many catholic Poles ascribed it to a miraculous intervention of the Virgin Mary, and were willing to do the bidding of the church in gratitude for the miracle.
Although eager to slaughter the Unitarians in accordance with the wishes of Rome, the dozen or so extreme catholic magnates drew back from the prospect of armed conflict with Schlichting, with a second Unitarian magnate, Jerzy Niemirycz, and with the majority of other magnates who might have come to the defense of the still prevalent principle of freedom of religion in the commonwealth.
In 1658 the magnates negotiated a compromise under which the Polish Unitarians were forced to convert or to leave Poland within two years. Schlichting became a Lutheran, Niemirycz an orthodox Christian. Those Unitarians who did not convert took refuge in Transylvania or in the Netherlands, where they were called the “Polish Brethren.”
After the expulsion of the Unitarians, freedom of religion in Poland, although officially never repealed, was unofficially at the mercy of the more extreme catholic magnates, except for whatever limited protection adherents of other religions might obtain from other magnates in localities under their influence.
The enforcement of religious edicts was not the magnate’s only motivation for departure from principled rule of law. Given the magnates’ immunity from criminal law, manifest after the Swedish invasion in the lack of punishment even for treason, foreign powers were able to hire various magnates to protect their interests in the lands of the commonwealth.
With the protection of hired magnates, Prussian, Austrian and Russian governments were able to maintain agents, and sizeable military units, within the supposedly sovereign territory of Poland and Lithuania. Just as magnates shied away from confrontation with each other’s forces, they also stayed out of the way of foreign forces and agents. The latter, just like the magnates themselves, enjoyed total impunity for whatever crimes they wished to carry out.
In historical perspective, the most significant crime carried out by foreign agents in seventeenth-century Poland was the abduction of Christian Ludwig von Kalkstein. Von Kalkstein, an influential Prussian nobleman, was the leader of internal opposition, within Prussia, to the increasingly authoritarian and militaristic regime of the Prussian state.
In 1669 Hieronymus Roth, speaker of the Prussian parliament, criticized rising tax rates that were imposed to pay for the growth of the Prussian military. Roth was imprisoned and tortured to death. His son fled to Warsaw, where in 1670 von Kalkstein joined him, hoping to obtain Polish support for the growing dissident movement in Prussia. Later that year, von Kalkstein was openly abducted by Prussian agents in Warsaw, bound, and taken by horse cart to Prussia, without any opposition from several Polish magnates whose forces would have been able to block the way. He was tortured for nearly two years, then in 1672 murdered in a Prussian dungeon.
Having lost its leaders, the Prussian opposition withered. The consequences of von Kalkstein’s unhindered abduction and murder - the unobstructed growth of Prussian authoritarianism, militarism and expansion, Hegel, Bismarck and Hitler, wars and genocides - included many of Poland’s, and the world’s, calamities for centuries after his death.
The most devastating consequence of the magnate regime was its effect on freedom of speech. The Catholic Church maintained an index of prohibited books, just as it did in countries where it was the established church, and catholic magnates enforced it. Every magnate felt free to seize and burn any book that he saw as offensive or inimical to his reputation or interests. Other religious communities, and foreign powers from Russia to England, paid various magnates to police bookshops on their behalf.
The magnate typically registered his objection to a book by seizing any copies that might be offered for sale and having them burned. In most cases this was enough for the author and publisher to excise the offending passages before reprinting the book and again offering it for sale. If a bookseller’s stock was perceived as particularly offensive, the offended magnate might burn the store’s entire inventory, sometimes together with the whole building it was housed in.
A publisher’s printing press might also be destroyed, often with the workshop. The range of works that could be considered offensive was extraordinarily inclusive. In 1788, a magnate named Mniszek suppressed, on behalf of his Russian clients, Jan Potocki’s ‘Essai de Logique’, a book on logic written in French, the international scholarly language of the time. The Jesuits, acting under the protection of several magnates, also got directly into the act. Thus in 1611, following the death of a local magnate who protected a Calvinist publishing house in Kamieniec Podolski, the publisher’s entire stock, printing press and workshop were destroyed by the local Jesuits.
Under the magnates, censorship was exerted against publishers and sellers of offending books, almost never against the author. This accounts for the fact that in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, unlike Italy, Spain or France, no one was ever burned at the stake, or beheaded, for heresy or blasphemy.
Yet compared to those countries, or to Germany, England, or Scotland, all of them with much smaller populations than the commonwealth, the commonwealth’s intellectual output during the enlightenment was minuscule. In other countries, as long as the author avoided sedition against its regime and blasphemy against the one established church one could write, and publish and sell, just about anything.
In the commonwealth, a publisher stood to lose his business if he printed or sold anything that might be contrary to the interests and whims of any of dozens of religions, foreign powers, or individual magnates. As long as the power of the magnates persisted hardly anyone, apart from dedicated religious fanatics, dared to challenge their total control over every word in print.
By 1772 the commonwealth’s neighbors, Prussia, Russia and Austria, learned the lesson of the failed Swedish invasion of 1655. Poland and Lithuania, lacking a stable internal administration that might be taken over and used by an invader, could not be successfully invaded all at once. Each invading power would need to extend its own internal administration to the territory it took over, and therefore each seizure would have to be limited to an area the invader could absorb. In the first partition in 1772, each power took a piece of commonwealth territory closest to its own existing administrative centers, and thus easiest to integrate with its existing regime.
The partition of 1772 could not be effectively opposed by the magnates; the handful who tried included Casimir Pulaski, who soon thereafter left for America to participate in the War of Independence. Another Polish officer in that war, Thaddeus Kościuszko, was a friend of Thomas Jefferson and a member of the American Philosophical Society.
Kościuszko returned to Poland in 1784, and after the adoption of the US constitution in 1787, proposed for Poland a similar constitution to replace the rule of the magnates. On May 3, 1791, the Seym adopted the new constitution. Several magnates voted for the May 3rd constitution, having concluded that a continuation of the magnate regime could only lead to further partitions, while a modern constitutional government—unlike the Russian, Prussian and Austrian autocracies—would end their impunity for crimes but would still safeguard their individual rights.
The following year, conservative magnates tried to re-establish the magnate regime by forming the Confederation of Targowica and asked the Russian empress Catherine II for help in overthrowing the constitution. The Russians came, but when their forces overpowered the constitutional army they partitioned Poland again, in collaboration with Prussia, leaving only the center of the country to the restored rule of the magnates. Two years later, the rest was partitioned among Russia, Prussia and Austria, and the magnate regime was permanently over.
Given the historical evidence from the magnate regime in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, it is possible to conclude several things about what a system of competing <i>“market law-defense agencies” – or ‘Rule by Corporate CEOs’ or Corporatocracy - vs. “government”</i>is likely to produce in practice.
First, given the high cost of fighting against the trained armed force of such an agency, its owner or chief officer would be, in practice, immune from justice for crimes. In their dealings with law-defense agencies, ordinary people will be at the mercy of their armed “hired servants.” Publishers will censor their publications lest a law-defense agency CEO take offense and exact punishment, etc.
Second, given the potentially very high cost of conflict among “market law-defense agencies,” in case of disputes those agencies will have an overwhelming incentive to compromise, rather than defend the objective rights of their clients. Outcomes will reflect the balance of power between agencies rather than objective justice.
Third, the adherents of religious cults and of extreme interpretations of various religions will exercise power proportional to the resources they commit to “defense of the faith.” Those driven by religious fanaticism will commit to their cause, as was done in recent times by the Christianist anti-abortionists and by Islamist organizations such as Al Qaeda, the sum of whatever resources they have, including their lives. While they will not be able to force the majority to conform to the entirety of their doctrine, their fanaticism and commitment will enable them to exact compromises significantly infringing the rights of non-adherents. The likely compromise will leave the fanatics with the ability to impose their version of religious law, such as Shariah, on their families, so that for example an Islamist father will be able to commit an “honor killing” of a “wayward” daughter with impunity. Christianist fanatics will be able to exact a compromise of the right to abortion, censorship of books and films that they find objectionable for religious reasons, etc.
Awareness of history might motivate a common front against such large-scale criminal enterprise as has been described - or history might repeat itself. In any society, a rational person will try to find ways to live his/her life as well as one can. In a society in which individual rights are compromised by a system of competing Corporatocracies, a person needs to decide: what is to be done?”
<b>What can be learned from the above?</b>
Government buildings and responsibilities are currently being auctioned off for pennies on the dollar. This is what is called “privatization”. This includes the privatization of prisons; paid ‘for profit’ armies (think Halliburton and Xe); privatization of education; privatization of energy and most services that were once delivered via government.
These enterprises are all being sold to modern day magnates – corporate CEOs and the banksters. All profitable industries already belong to the magnates. This is the next step beyond globalization. The creation of society ruled by the rich; ruled by Corporatocracies and their ‘market law defense agencies’. An earth divided up into fiefdoms owned and controlled by magnates (CEO’s),along with a one world currency with a minimalist government in each fiefdom to settle trade and other issues.
These modern pirates of the global Caribbean have no ‘patriotic’ national ties and so the structural adjustment of Europe and North America now follows that of the “Third World” in the 1980s. These magnates/CEOs have one rule and that is to maximize profits and power to the detriment of everyone else and the environment.
In this way all will become part of Marx’s “disposable industrial reserve army”, with eroding economic resources, dwindling legal status, no enforceable human rights, thus becoming merely “killable bodies” as Giorgio Agamben terms it.
The members of the rich, wealthy elite scum appear to have learned from this history and have figured out that their economic system cannot stand alone in a single country surrounded by hostile nation states. Thus, to preserve their class the whole world would have to become the sort of commonwealth much like the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was for this kind of scheme to succeed. Starting to get the picture?
<b>Where do we go from here?</b>
‘Overworld’ is the name Adrian Salbuchi, in his book “The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope?” has given to the emerging One World Government or, if you prefer, the World Company (see ‘Second Republic Project’ at http://secondrepublicproject.com). This Overworld will be ruled and controlled by a very small greedy, power mad, rich, parasitic elite.
This tiny centuries old minority has amassed huge fortunes and power throughout the generations. They feel they are the ‘Chosen Ones’, The ‘Aristocracy of Purpose’, the ones that have the God-given right to impose their will, their interests, and their objectives on the rest of humankind. Mr. Salbuchi describes the obvious when he says: “Republican Institutions have been hi-jacked by the Money Power through a false “democracy”, which is under full control of the Global Power Elites. Thus, political leadership functions as ‘Public Managers’ for and on behalf of the Elite. See things as they are: all our presidents and prime minister are nothing but Country CEO’s” - akin to the CEO’s of huge conglomerates.
<b>The World’s Mastermind: Globalization's Hidden Face</b>
How are we controlled? Today’s high-tech, Internet-age, cable-TV colonialism, has the power to invisibly turn nations and continents into fully subservient and subordinated colonies of a global supranational empire that monopolizes fundamental economic, financial, political, media, technological, monetary and military factors.
And yet, this global empire is – for the vast majority of people – invisible. It has no need for a specific “global center”; it is everywhere and nowhere. For all practical purposes, technology has rendered it invisible and unreachable. This technology, almost magically, allows its owner to take on any shape or form he pleases including, most importantly, no shape at all: invisibility.
If, for example, a plan has been drafted and agreed upon regarding how globalization of the economy and the financial system are to evolve, then the coordinated action of personalities like the president of the US, his secretaries of state, defense, commerce and treasury, CIA, NSA and FBI directors, key international bankers and financiers, Fortune 500 CEO's, media owners & moguls, reporters and writers, military officers and academics, heads of the IMF, World Bank and WTO, are all brought together at the right time and in the proper sequence on these specific matters. In this way, they are able to coordinate concrete effective and almost irresistible action anytime and anywhere. This is how it has worked for more than ninety years.
The greedy, vampiric, global power elite’s bloody lip-lock on the throat of the world primarily rests on the incapacity of the majority of people everywhere to understand the mechanisms through which they wield such power. In order for this gigantic mass psychological warfare - for that is what it really is - to succeed, the mass media perform a vital role which cannot be stressed enough. For they are the instruments used to undermine and neutralize the capacity of independent thought among the world’s population.
That is the key role of all mass media organizations like CNN, CBS, NBC, New York Times, Daily Telegraph, Le Figaró, Fox News, The Economist, Corrieri della Sera, Le Monde, Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Reuters, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and their respective local outlets in all countries, all of which are directed by key people belonging to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which represents the collective interests of the largest banks and corporations, their subsidiary organizations in the US and elsewhere.
Television, radio, op-ed editorials, the mainstream press, the show business industry, large tracts of the internet & cable-TV are inspired by age-old collective dumbing-down methods reminiscent of the latter days of the Roman Empire, with the added value of today's technologies. Thus, we have today’s high tech bread and circuses. The media’s role is to consume the population's unstructured free time between work, eating and sleeping so as to ensure that there is little or no time left for truly creative social activity amongst the bulk of the people. More importantly, the media’s job is to ensure people do not awaken to the truth of what is being done to them and – God forbid! – decide to do something about it.
At the end of 2009 three major power-shifting crises were fully underway; they were, and are - financial, political and environmental. The London Financial Times in an article dated December 8, 2009 said it all: “And now for a World Government.” These very same ideas were echoed by European Union president Herman van Rompuy shortly after. This financial-political-environmental crisis triad is being generated and macro-managed by the global power elite with the overt goal of bringing Globalization to an end and transitioning on to the next stage: outright World Government.
The ‘New World Order’ (NWO) was ushered in 23 years ago when the Bi-Polar post-World War II political order was brought to a peaceful conclusion with the collapse of the Soviet Union, thus beginning the process of globalization. It has taken these past twenty some years to create the technological infrastructure (global TV, cell phones, data processing - especially regarding the transfers of monies worldwide in the global casino - surveillance cameras, etc.) necessary to exert truly global societal electronic control over mankind.
Globalization has been a horizontal process, entropic, haphazard, disorderly and formally democratic. ‘World Government’ will be vertical, negentropic, orderly, coercive, disciplined, security focused and non-democratic. Globalization was where private entities – think tanks, corporations, banks, lobbies and media – controlled society and government discreetly. World government will have public institutions openly run by private interests, especially security corporations such as KBR, Xe Services LLC (formerly Blackwater), Halliburton and other private armies, other security forces and a privatized, militarized police (think ‘market law defense agencies’).
We can thus conclude that on a worldwide basis power has been, for the most part, privatized; that the reins of control have migrated from semi-public political institutions associated with the sovereign nation-state, to eminently private economic and financial structures. This is what Alvin Toffler back in 1990 described as a Powershift. Consequently, present-day power structures and dynamics are analogous with the structure and internal logic of private economic organizations - traditional private capitalist corporations - such as British and US corporate structures, the origins of which are rooted in the British East India Company’s corporate structure dating back to the early 17th century where power is distributed into a vertical hierarchy.
It was inevitable that on a finite planet there would be a limit to economic growth. Industrialization enabled reaching that limit over the past two centuries. Production became ever more efficient, markets became ever more global, and finally the point has been reached where the paradigm of perpetual growth can no longer be sustained. Indeed, that point was actually reached by about 1970. Since then capital has not so much sought growth through increased production, but rather by extracting greater returns from relatively flat production levels.
Hence globalization, which moved production to low-wage areas providing greater profit margins. Hence privatization, which transferred revenue streams to investors that formerly went to national treasuries. Hence, derivative and currency markets, which created the electronic illusion of economic growth without actually producing anything in the real world.
With the bailouts, western governments delivered their nations to the bankers. The governments are now in perpetual debt bondage to the bankers. Rather than the banks going into receivership, governments are now in receivership. Obama's cabinet and advisors are nearly all from Wall Street. They are in the White House so they can keep close watch over their new acquisition, the once sovereign USA. And they are currently presiding over its liquidation.
Thus, the current ongoing global financial collapse can only be described as the controlled destruction of the world economic system, especially the US dollar and the Euro, the former through hyperinflation and the latter through internal stresses in the weaker European countries that is leading to a fracture in the European Monetary System, something which has been carefully planned for many years.
<b>Global Power: Who has it? Where is it going?</b>
We are transitioning to a World Government now, at this time. Just as the former Soviet Union went into the waste-bin of history in 1989, so today the United States, the last remaining super-power, is being trashed. It began with the financial crisis of 2008.
Globalization was about the control of people via a technological infrastructure, the control of nations via a system of caretaker governments with “CEO-like” presidents, prime ministers and legislators, the control of resources which allowed the Global Power Elite’s Corporate Overworld to take over most of the remaining state-owned companies and entities and the control of industry through the breakdown of national borders on the economic, financial, industrial, political and social/cultural stages.
The effect of all this is the planned eroding of all sovereign nation-states, thus paving the way for World Government institutions. In this way the World Government will be different than the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in that there will be no nation-state neighbors surrounding it to encroach and steal resources & territory. This is undoubtedly the most crucial lesson learned by the parasitic rich scum from the Polish/Lithuanian Commonwealth experiment – that sovereign nation-states cannot be permitted to exist.
Consider that the true and greatest privatization of all time was, and is, the privatization of real power on a national and global scale. A good illustration of this is found in the way that private power can be seen in government power structures, e.g. former Goldman Sachs members as part of Barack Obama’s Cabinet.
We already live in a veritable World Government which we don’t, for the most part, recognize as such because it does not yet have the public institutions we are used to associating with the concept of national governments. Today's World Government has more in common with traditional private power structures. As power has become essentially privatized, then it logically follows that the World Government we live under will also be, and is, private in nature.
This is the basic ideology that forms the very foundation of globalization - that power is private. Thus, government becomes simply the enforcement arm of corporate interests, despite the mentality that there is a separation between them. It thus follows that the World Government is basically run by a Private Overworld Government that has a corporate-like structure and chain of command. In other words, Real Power (private power) more or less conditions and controls Formal Power structures (public power).
One can envision the emerging World Government to be multi-centered along the lines of the grand experiment in supranational management called the European Union. The European Union is, amongst many other things, an exercise in merging whole countries with vastly different cultures, economies, financial systems, legal systems, administrative norms, languages and religions into one formless, faceless, inhuman entity.
The EU has its administrative centre in Brussels, its monetary centre in Frankfurt, its legislative centre in Strasbourg, its courts in Luxembourg. Similarly, the coming World Government could conceivably have its own key centers, say, Washington as its military center for an expanded global imperial armed forces command; New York City as the global financial capital from where world currency will be created and managed; London as global political capital, etc.
To understand how this global machinery works, we need to first understand that none of this is a mere coincidence. What we are seeing is a perfectly assembled and sustained global system, the purpose of which is to promote, consolidate and manage all of these interests, ensuring that it is not derailed by the titanic social, political, economic and financial forces it can trigger such as the Arab Spring, # Occupy Wall Street, etc.
In order for small leech-like minorities with enormous wealth and power to consolidate and grow that power, they naturally need to defend themselves against the huge majority of the people that do not have any such wealth and power. To this end, there is nothing better than to keep the masses very busy working and working very hard; making sure they are increasingly concerned over losing their jobs, nervously anxious to maintain a lifestyle that makes them happy as defined by the “American way of life” model which is consistently promoted by the global mainstream media.
Again, this system is nothing less than an immensely powerful and highly complex war machine (in a psychological, economic, political and if necessary, military way) that is directed by a tiny minority of extremely greedy, power mad, rich, parasitic scum against the interests of the vast but confused and debilitated majority of the people.
Therefore, democracy is nothing but a façade for gross dictatorship by rich, powerful, psychopathic scum who have risen to the top through the shrewd use of violence, hypocrisy, double-standards, half-truths, and out-right lies.
<b>Money Makes the Overworld go ‘Round</b>
When 1,210 individuals own and control assets worth over $4.5 trillion dollars, a good part of which they use to promote and drive their industrial, financial, economic, political and cultural interests by paying key people in the media, universities, researchers, NGO’s, managers, presidents, ministers, congressmen, judges, governors, mayors and TV anchors – much of which is often disguised as ‘philanthropy’ and ‘charity’ makes one wonder: Can America, and other “democratic” nation-states, really be considered “democracies”?
True democracy is dead - assassinated by the big money power - and in its place is the false democracy we suffer today and which has been forced on the world. It’s like the ‘living dead’ films or the Count Dracula movies, showing the dark vampire thriving in the night by sucking the blood of the living. If taken as a metaphor of modern society, perhaps this symbol hides a simple truth. The money power ensures that all countries are run by the worst individuals amongst them; people who are docile, sociopathic, easy to buy, weak, cowardly, controllable and malleable. Basically, the type of amoral, perverse men and women who somehow always ‘make it to the top’ filling powerful key posts both in and out of government.
If any head of State were to take seriously the fact that he is president or prime minister, the truly powerful will quickly brand him a ‘rogue’, ‘thug’ or even ‘terrorist’ - and his whole country will be thrown into some lunatic ‘Axis of Evil’ fantasy. That’s why the stinking rotten elite support the authoritarian Egyptian Hosni Mubarak but opposes Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez. They will hold hands with pathetic, obedient left-wingers like Argentina’s Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and permanently support and congratulate the autocratic feudal sheiks running Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
Money always seems to find a way of getting the laws it wants passed and getting rid of the laws it does not like in order to be able to perpetrate all sorts of crimes ‘legally’ and under the protection of all sorts of PsyWar euphemisms, newspeak, and understatements. Thus we hear in the press talk about “labor flexibilization” to refer to massive job losses; “privatization of the pension system” to hide the outright robbery of decades-long savings by America’s workers; “outsourcing” to hide more and continuing massive job cuts.
Alas, it’s all a question of semantics and of ensuring all the felonies, frauds, crimes and misdeeds perpetrated by the rich are done ‘legally’ so that an army of very well-paid lawyers, judges, legislators and journalists can then cover up anything and everything, presenting nicely groomed half-truths or outright lies to public opinion. Yes, no doubt about it, Money is a powerful Lord.
<b>Russia and China</b>
The triggers for this transition from Globalization to One World Government include the current US financial meltdown. Consider that not a single ruler of any country is doing anything to help their economy or its populace. Instead they prop up the ‘too big to fails’ (actually ‘too powerful to fail’).
The global financial system has been on life-support since the crisis exploded in September 2008. The rich, global, blood sucking leeches are ready and willing to collapse the US dollar and the Euro at a moment’s notice replacing them with a new global reserve currency of some kind. A global reserve currency used to back nation-state currencies and controlled by a world central bank.
The only hold back to this plan appears to be Russia and China. The US has surrounded Russia and China with military bases and is setting up a ring of anti-missile systems around there borders. Meanwhile the Pentagon is spending trillions of dollars developing a first-strike capability with space-based weapons systems, control-of-theater capability, forward based ‘tactical’ nukes, etc. These anti-missile systems are an important part of a first-strike strategy which reduces the ability of Russia or China to retaliate. This is the equivalent of marching your armies up to your adversary’s border – a clear act of provocation.
These elaborate military preparations are not in response to any threat from Russia or China. Those two would be quite happy to see a stable, multi-polar world. They’d be happy to support substantial nuclear disarmament globally. The Pentagon’s war preparations mean only one thing; the rich, greedy, Western power mad scum are not going to give up their position of global dominance. If there is a nuclear exchange between the major powers, historians will identify the USA’s desperate attempt to maintain hegemony as the primary cause.
The ‘War on Terrorism’ has been used to justify the astronomical military budgets required for these massive military deployments. Besides, the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq are themselves part of the encirclement strategy as well as serving to control oil resources and pipeline routes.
There may or may not be a World War 3, but all of these preparations make it pretty clear that the rotten, banking and financial scum intend to preside over a global system no matter the consequences. If they wanted a peaceful arrangement, a splitting of the third-world pie so to speak, it could have been easily arranged at any time. It is only the greedy elite financiers and bankers who are obsessed with world domination. Look for the Western powers to attack Iran in this scenario with China (and possibly Russia) coming to the aid of that beleaguered nation.
It is possible that nuclear war is a desired outcome, accomplishing depopulation and making the collapse even more total. Or perhaps China and Russia will be given an offer they can’t refuse: Surrender your economic sovereignty to our global system or face the consequences.
One way or another, the rich elite vampires, the masters of the universe, the ‘Aristocracy of Purpose,’ intend to preside over a micromanaged global system. The collapse project is well under way and the surround your enemy project appears to be nearing completion. From a strategic perspective there will be some stage in the economic collapse when geopolitical confrontation will be judged most advantageous. Be assured that the timing of the various moves will be carefully coordinated. And from the overall shape of the global chessboard, the endgame appears to be nearing.
<b>The Controlled Destabilization and Collapse of the US Dollar</b>
At the right time, after the banks have positioned themselves to weather the storms, the plug will be pulled on the whole circus. The US dollar will collapse confirming what is obvious: that the US dollar has been irrecoverably and purposely hyper-inflated. The Euro, in turn, will collapse for different reasons.
The world is undergoing the controlled destabilization and collapse of the US dollar, which will then be replaced by a new reserve currency. The primary driving forces behind this global process are the Obama Administration (Goldman Sachs), allied with other private financial-industrial interests in the US, the UK and elsewhere, controlled by private Overworld geopolitical planning emanating from a network of think-tanks, primarily the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations which acts as the hub of a web of like-minded, specialist planning centers, universities and corporate R&D departments, all suitably aligned towards common global goals.
The global goal consists of re-engineering the world's social, political, economic, financial, monetary, military - even religious – architecture (consider the crazed right-wing propaganda that Jesus was/is a capitalist), so that it accommodates as best as possible the medium and long-term objectives of the greedy, power mad, rich scum to which this web of think-tanks is subordinated. Their mission is to design the Strategic Blueprint for the World Government being born and the Tactical Work Plans for its execution, knowing full well that managing this whole process means managing huge social upheavals this planning process generates.
If the US dollar is the “king of world currencies” dominating and governing today’s usury-based international financial system, it is an old, decrepit and sickly Sovereign. Since former president Richard Nixon implicitly declared the US bankrupt by taking the dollar off the gold standard in August 1971 the US dollar has had no backing whatsoever in monetary and economic terms and is only ‘convertible’ into other bits of paper, so that, literally, it is only worth the paper it is printed on.
In an excellent paper, "Crisis of the US Dollar System" (available at www.globalresearch.com) F. William Engdahl eloquently describes it thusly: "This dollar system is the real source of a global inflation which we have witnessed in Europe and worldwide since 1971. In the years between 1945 and 1965, total supply of dollars grew a total of only some 55%. Those were the golden years of low inflation and stable growth. After Nixon's break with gold, dollars expanded by more than 2,000% between 1970 and 2001!”
This means that the US dollar needs to be imposed upon the world economy, especially in such key capital-intensive industries as oil. And in fact, the dollar does have, in geopolitical terms, a very visible and verifiable backing: US military and political clout. For example, if an oil-producing country like Saddam Hussein's Iraq decides to stop selling its oil in US dollars and opts for Euros (as Saddam did in 2002) ‘monetary discipline’ is quickly enforced by the US military. If, today, another oil-producing country - Iran - decides to set up its own oil bourse (a kind of exchange system) competing with the New York, London and Dubai US-dollar oil bourses then it is immediately threatened with unilateral military destruction by the US.
The message is clear: if you mess around with the US dollar and put it at risk as the imperial global currency, then you're going to find out the hard way that the dollar is backed by a hugely powerful military war machine. This, however, cannot hold for much longer. It is clear that the total sum of dollars, Treasury Bonds and Bills, and public and private financial instruments of all types adds up to an amount several times higher than the total sum of all physical assets and services available on the entire planet. Therefore, some sort of Plan “B” is in the works, ready for rapid emergency implementation.
<b>The US Dollar: the Un-backed Currency</b>
With the dollar acting as the world’s global currency – being imposed by the combined actions of the Federal Reserve Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) – the US has been able to finance its budget deficits by exporting dollars to the whole world through various highly complex and not immediately visible mechanisms and channels.
These processes guarantee that such dollars and dollar-denominated financial instruments will flow in an orderly and balanced manner outside of the US (for the most part) and are suitably directed and controlled so as to benefit US national interests and those of its key allies.
In recent years, the US Treasury Dept. and the IMF have succeeded in suggesting/imposing on thirty national central banks in different countries that they should ‘soak up’ US dollars from their domestic economies and hoard them in their vaults as reserves ‘backing’ their own local currencies (and for foreign debt and loan payments). In other words, these countries ‘invest’ in US dollars which implicitly means that they are financing, for free, whole chunks of uncontrolled US public spending done by printing dollar bills. Sweet deal for the USA.
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