Day 13 of Occupy Wall Street Movement Explodes Across Country

Day 13 of Occupy Wall Street Movement Explodes Across Country

This has been a difficult story to cover due to the mass of individuality. For the establishment media, it is too difficult for them to accept there are anarchists, republicans, democrats, libertarians, constitutionalists, and a wide variety of political ideologies all converging together. Especially since the media has worked so hard to divide and conquer on behalf of their corporate masters. Some of the rumors are true: there are hippies and Ron Paul fans. There are also agitators and implanted "indie" media of the Alex Jones type of some truth with a heavy dose of conspiracy theory- all making a valiant attempt at sowing discord and distrust. It won't work this time because the people in NYC are absolutely united in that they want to see the banks broken up and the financial criminals going to jail. They maintain the 99er unity in that this whole thing is about economic collapse caused by criminals in the 1%. Divide and conquer has failed. Even Christian chaplains came out to help keep the peace among the crowds and offer support. Then the whole movement took an unpredictable turn and 100s of solidarity events emerged all over the country and the world. October 15th 2011 the whole world will stand in solidarity, though many will begin October 6.

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