Encourage Occupy Wall Street to Demand a Real 9/11 Investigation Only Two Days Left – Vote Now!

The 9/11 Truth community is passionate, dedicated and persistent. The issues we bring to the table will greatly enhance the Occupy Wall Street movement. Please act now with your vote.

Please act now and join 9/11 Truth advocates around the world by voting before 10/21/11 to include a real 9/11 investigation as one of the demands of Occupy Wall Street:

Regardless of the political opinions of Occupy Wall Street, the massive media attention that this diverse group has received over last few weeks can help propel the calls for an independent 9/11 investigation into the mainstream press.

To be listed as an official demand of Occupy Wall Street, a demand needs to have over 67% “Yes” votes at the time of the voting deadline. The demand for a new 9/11 investigation has been on the official choice list for several weeks, but approval has dropped from 80% down to 74%, with only 5,000 votes cast. In order to increase the margin of safety and guarantee approval, we need supporters of AE911Truth to let their voices be heard and vote “Yes” on this proposal before the October 21 deadline.

Please vote yes if you haven’t already, and forward to all 9/11 truth supporters and groups that you know:

Thank you!
Richard Gage, AIA
Founder, CEO AE911Truth

Views: 102

Comment by Margaret on October 19, 2011 at 3:21pm
Thanks.. please share ... not much time left..
Comment by Margaret on October 19, 2011 at 4:40pm

Do you know about WTC7 Thomas? A lot of Americans don't....

Comment by Margaret on October 19, 2011 at 4:45pm
Our beautiful country can not and will not survive on lies... We have soldiers looking for terrorists all over the world. Us as citizens are being treated like terrorists because of the patriot act which is not patriotic at all. The patriot act was written up BEFORE 911 and 911 was a false flag to set fear into Americans to allow rights to be taken away looking for so called terrorists...
Comment by Margaret on October 19, 2011 at 4:47pm
Nikki you are right on!
Comment by Margaret on October 19, 2011 at 5:02pm
and all of the lives that would be saved..right on again Nikki
Comment by Margaret on October 21, 2011 at 12:54am
Thomas there were 2 buildings in New York City hit by planes...the 2 twin towers.. Then there was WTC 7 a 47 story steel frame building that also collapsed just as the twin towers but it was not hit by a plane...Can you tell me how many steel framed buildings in the entire history of the world ever fell into their own foot print due to fires or planes crashing into them..or anything else for that matter..except controlled demolition?? Do a search call anyone you want...see what you come up with..
Comment by Margaret on October 21, 2011 at 1:00am
Comment by Margaret on October 21, 2011 at 6:22pm
Where is Thomas?
Comment by Margaret on October 21, 2011 at 6:26pm
Thomas is gone..


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