Gun sales in the US at record levels as we entered 2012.

Electricity bills in the US have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.

Health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980.  Today they account for 16.3%.

The Department of Homeland Security scanning Facebook and Twitter for "sensitive words".

The FBI is building a massive new biometric database.

40,000 new laws went into effect across the US as 2012 began.  What does that say about the culture in this nation?

TSA "VIPR Teams" set up thousands of internal checkpoints across the US every year.

The federal government spending billions of dollars to militarize local police departments across the US.

The world is on the verge of an absolutely nightmarish water crisis.

While the TSA is groping millions of Americans at airports every year, rampant sex trafficking is going on in virtually every major American city. 

Only 29% of people would describe themselves as "very happy".  So what does that say about the state of our country?

The elderly are facing the most horrific retirement crisis in US history.  Right now, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers are turning 65 every single day.  Since the government steals the money from the social Security fund on a daily basis, how are they going to be paid the retirement benefits they have diligently paid in?

Bummer, Hostess Brands, the maker of Twinkies and Wonder Bread filed for bankruptcy protection.

It is projected that there will be more than 5,000 more store closings in 2012.

It is projected that the global financial industry (those who brought the system down) will lose approximately 150,000 jobs over the next 12 to 18 months.

Under Barack Obama more civil liberties have been lost than were lost under George Bush. Using cell phones can definitely increase your risk for cancer. 

Using a mobile phone half an hour a day over a 10-year period increased the risk of glioma brain tumors by 40%.

Since 1971, consumer debt in the US has increased by a whopping 1700%.

The number of pages of federal tax rules and regulations has increased by 18,000% since 1913.  The wealthy know how to avoid taxes, but most everybody else do not.

Electricity bills in the US have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.

If inflation was measured the exact same way that it was measured back in 1980, the rate of inflation in the US would be well over 10%.

The US dollar has lost well over 95% of its value since the Federal Reserve was created, the US national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was created and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has a track record of incompetence that is absolutely mind blowing.  So what possible justification is there for allowing the Federal Reserve to continue to issue our currency and run our economy?

Gun sales are setting new all-time records in America right now.

What does it say about our society that nearly 33% of all Americans are arrested by the time they reach the age of 23?

Why do politicians think that it is a good idea to allow the US military to arrest American citizens on American soil and indefinitely detain them without a trial?

In 2001, the US ranked 4th in the world in per capita broadband Internet use.  Today it ranks 15th.

Between 1991 and 2007 the number of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 that filed for bankruptcy rose by a staggering 178%.

One out of every seven Americans has at least 10 credit cards.

Today, the "too big to fail" banks are larger than ever.  The total assets of the six largest US banks increased by 39 % between September 30, 2006 and September 30, 2011.

Suicide Claims More US Military Lives than the Afghan War. For the second year (2010) in a row, more US soldiers killed themselves (468) than died in combat.

On average, one soldier has taken his or her own life every 36 hours between 2005 and 2010 and they haven’t slowed down yet.

Obama authorizes international assassination campaign of Americans abroad, claiming the right to kill Americans anytime, anywhere.

Theft in retail stores was up to its highest level in four years in 2011, picking up the pace in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

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