Over 30,000 People Rally in New York City :November 17: Historic Day of Action for the 99%


November 17: Historic Day of Action for the 99%

Posted 7 hours ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 1:11 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

November 17 Day of Action:

  • Over 30,000 People Rally in New York City (NYPD estimated 32,500), including organized contingents of workers, students, and other members of “the 99%”
  • Actions in at least 30 cities across the country and around the world
  • Commemoration of 2-Months Since Birth of the 99% Movement, Festival of Lights on Brooklyn Bridge
  • Blockade of all Entry-Points to NYSE; hundreds participate in nonviolence civil disobedience
  • Sense that a powerful and diverse civic movement for social justice is on the ascent

Tens of thousands took action Thursday, November 17 to demand that our political system serve all of us — not just the wealthy and powerful. The NYPD estimated tonight’s crowd at 32,500 people, at the culmination of the day of action. Thousands more also mobilized in at least 30 cities across the United States. Demonstrations were also held in cities around the world.

"Our political system should serve all of us — not just the very rich and powerful. Right now Wall Street owns Washington," said participant Beka Economopoulos. "We are the 99% and we are here to reclaim our democracy."

Views: 2831

Comment by MOD on April 2, 2012 at 1:27pm


Exactly 6 months ago on October 1st, 2011 Occupy Wall St. people and their supporters set off on a protest walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. The police, walking in front of the group, headed towards the part where cars usually cross. Some occupiers followed them while others headed for the pedestrian walkway. When all were on the bridge the NYPD turned toward those walking on the non-pedestrian part of the bridge and handcuffed 700 people declaring them under arrest. Those arrested called it a clear case of entrapment. They thought that because the police were in front of them they were participating in a legal activity.

Comment by Margaret on April 2, 2012 at 1:35pm

A total Black out of Ron Paul on Lamestream Media ... Check out the Ron Paul Crowds in the Slideshow at this link


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