Protesters Prepare to Occupy CPAC

Protesters Prepare to Occupy CPAC

CPAC Theater - Sponsored By Citizens United Productions

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is being held from February 9 – 11 and we are proud to announce that Citizens United, the nation's premier conservative filmmaker, will once again be sponsoring the CPAC Theater and Film Festival throughout the weekend. The festival will showcase some of the best conservative films in the country from both Citizens United Productions and many other critically acclaimed filmmakers. All screenings are free of charge to CPAC attendees, and will be held in the Thurgood Marshall South Ballroom of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

We have some exciting events planned for this year's Film Festival at CPAC 2012! We have posted the complete Film Festival schedule below and remember to check back for more announcements and updates about the CPAC Theater and Film Festival here and on our Twitter (@Citizens_United) and Facebook (/CitizensUnitedDC) feeds. You can also follow the CPAC conversation on Twitter by following @CPACNews and using the hashtag #CPAC.


This Friday and Saturday, Occupy CPAC: Liberate Discourse

On February 9th through February 11th, a who’s who of dastardly politicians will be holding the Conservative Political Action Conference at the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel at 2660 Woodley Road, NW. Similar to the Alfalfa Club dinner, this event is another gathering of bigots, media mouthpieces, corrupt politicians, and their 1 percent elite puppet masters.

CPAC will parade and attempt to perpetuate the radical right wing’s imperialist ideologies with keynote speakers, movies and banquets dedicated to pursuing its racist, sexist, patriarchal and exploitative agenda.

Spectacles will include imperialist topics such as “From Fidel to Chavez: How Do We Stop the Resurgence of Socialism in Latin America?”, “Is the ‘Arab Spring’ Good or Bad for America?” and frequent bloviation on “American exceptionalism.” Openly racist discourses will be given on “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity” and “Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department Is Selling Us Out.” The conference will also glorify the role of money in politics in talks such as “How to Raise Money… the Easy Way,” “Citizens United Productions Hosts Blogger Briefing” and “Fundraising Secrets from the Billion $ Man.”

There will also be a discussion entitled “Taking Back Wall Street: The Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street,” in which they plan to hear only from Tea Partiers.

CPAC Conference - Day 1: Live Now

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