Occupy America Social Network
The DA's office has sent subpoenas to Twitter asking for the data of a handful of people arrested last year as part of the Occupy Wall Street…
Blog Have You Occupied Wall Street? NYC Wants Your Twitter Data 2 Likes Proposal: Technical and Parliamentary Approach to a Non-Oligarchical Assembly
Today’s fast-paced internet world is often referred to in the context of “Big-Brother” and that he will use these ends to inevitably institute “The Theory and Practice of…
Blog Proposal: Technical and Parliamentary Approach to a Non-Oligarchical Assembly 1 Like Tea-Party and Occupy: Tactical ConceptualizationXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
(Picture courtesy of:…
Blog Tea-Party and Occupy: Tactical Conceptualization 2 Likes Half of America in Poverty? Right-Wing Ass Clowns don’t want you to believe it’s true![Excerpt] Almost 50% of Americans are in poverty or at a "low income" level. “Low income" is defined as earnings between 100 and 199% of the poverty level, which places every American family…
Blog Half of America in Poverty? Right-Wing Ass Clowns don’t want you to believe it’s true! 1 LikeIn 48 Cities -
NO War! NO Sanctions! NO Intervention! NO Assassinations on IRAN
IN NYC, NY 1pm North end of Times Square - Duffy Square. March to…
29th, 2012 5:25 PM
“Think of a modern Money economy as comprised of two related subsystems. One creates wealth. It consists of factories, homes, farms, stores, transportation and communications facilities, the…
Blog Modern Money 1 Like Worries Over Occupy Superbowl -Unions give hints of Super Bowl ruckus Blog Worries Over Occupy Superbowl -Unions give hints of Super Bowl ruckus 1 Like Occupy Oakland: Video of Woman Being Assaulted by Policevideo by OakFoSho of a woman identified as Leela being assaulted by police. She is the woman with the bicycle with the trailer
Blog Occupy Oakland: Video of Woman Being Assaulted by Police 1 Like New Nobility-RebelThe United States has become the very first "post-industrial" nation on the globe. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost. …
Blog America is becoming a Rotting, Post-Industrial, Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland 3 Likes WatchTheVote2012 - NEED U 2 HELP FIND NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTE MONITORSWe Need Help Monitoring Votes In New Hampshire! We need to to have Honest Elections!!!
Would you or any of your friends be willing to help monitor…
Blog WatchTheVote2012 - NEED U 2 HELP FIND NEW HAMPSHIRE VOTE MONITORS 1 Like No money? No problem! Pay with time instead.Time Dollars
No money? No problem! Pay with time instead. Pay with "time dollars" on everything. In a modern twist on the ancient practice of barter,…
Blog No money? No problem! Pay with time instead. 1 Like Generation OS13: The new culture of resistance2012 01 05
From: youtube.com/QueuePolitely…
Blog Generation OS13: The new culture of resistance 2 Likes A Ning community to occupy, share & connect – quickly
The US Federal Reserve System is the most powerful central bank in history and the dominant force in the US economy today. The Fed is often described as having a dual mandate to provide price…
Blog The Failure of the US Federal Reserve System 1 Like How Your Brain is Different than a Conservative'sA recent study proves that liberals/progressives have more gray matter in a part of the brain related to understanding complexity, while the conservative…
Blog How Your Brain is Different than a Conservative's 1 Like Capitalism is SociopathologyLet’s face it. Capitalism is a disease--a raging infection that causes its hosts to become sociopaths. They just don't realize they are…
Blog Capitalism is Sociopathology 1 LikeOakland Mayor Announces $100,000 Independent Probe of Police Actions During Occupy Protests
Blog Oakland Mayor Announces $100,000 Independent Probe of Police Actions During Occupy Protests 1 Like
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