Occupy Wall Street: Has the System & NYPD Met It’s Match?

Occupy Wall Street: Has the System & NYPD Met It’s Match?

Sep 29, 2011  by

Sometimes I write these articles with my tongue literally lodged in the side of my mouth because what I may write here as news isn’t news to some people. Living as a woman of color in a world in which WEB Du Boise described as a ‘double consciousness’ I am well aware of the dual perception of the police as friend and foe. If I climbed the highest rooftop and screamed the following statement……





Would you agree or call me crazy? Would you jump to the defense of the one or two nice cops that you know who risk their lives daily to protect and serve or would you keep silent knowing full well that their implied civility is generally attached to skin color.


With the emergence of the internet and smart phone offering the opportunity for anyone to record and broadcast video we are now all becoming more aware of the abusive and privileged ways in which the NYPD operate.


Others are more than aware of how easy it is to be confronted by the City’s officers, not for issues involving a public code violation, but for what I can only describe as bully treatment. The recent protesters of the Occupy Wall Street movement have to deal with nature’s elements as they continue their symbolic occupation but no one was prepared for the onslaught of abusive treatment protesters have been subjected to at the hand of New York’s Finest.


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