Occupy America Social Network
What is this great awakening? Is it the beginning of a new era of enlightened humanity? Or is it all just a dream?
I was raised in a Christian home by parents who took their spirituality seriously. I rejected the doctrines of their church and ultimately of Christianity due to the obvious hypocrisy and inconsistency of the message. If you want to get to heaven, if someone puts your eye out, you are directed by the Father to take out their eye and by the Son to turn the other cheek. I don't like either of those answers, I think the proper, responsible action is to tend your injured eye. Its that "self governance" bugaboo of mine. I have the "right" to defend, the "right" to forgive, but how about I just take responsibility for my situation and try to make the best of it? That does not preclude my seeking justice, but it does prevent me from engaging in revenge in God's name, or from being a doormat and pretending it was what Jesus would do. If Jesus and his dad ever get their story straight and can clearly define what they expect of me, I do not refuse to defer to a righteous God, but I find it morally reprehensible to bow down to a God like the one described in the Bible. That guy is a hate-filled prick who delights in watching his children fail so he can roast them FOREVER for it. I just don't feel right worshiping that.
A few years ago I became a certified hypnotist. The process of learning how to hypnotize others was one of the most truly enlightening lessons I ever had. I realized that what we do to our small children is absolutely insane, and detrimental to spiritual growth to say the least. When an authority figure tells a small child "This is the truth" the child writes that onto the hard drive. It is the data that they will use as the blueprint for truth, and as they grow and are exposed to other input, they will reject it out of hand if it does not match what is on their hard drive. The problem is, their hard drive was filled with superstitions, fairy tales, and fear of eternal punishment for even QUESTIONING the information on that hard drive. To overcome the hypnosis of religious doctrine is nearly a super-human feat. The fact that generation after generation of parents drag their children to be exposed to this brainwashing out of fear is a sad statement on the infantile thought processes of the average adult. Most of the people filling the pews DO NOT EVEN BELIEVE any more. They pick and choose pieces of the doctrine that are not clearly ridiculous, and hope that it will be enough to get them past the Pearly Gates when they die.
The religious indoctrination begins at birth. Next, we shuffle our children into the "education" system. Here, the government gets their turn to write nonsense onto the hard drives of minds that are physiologically incapable of doing comparative analysis of data. ALL decisions about what is true and what is false are based upon the PERSON telling a child. If the child trusts the teacher, then the child believes the teaching. The teacher is dutifully passing on the faulty data that was put on their hard drive, and so teaching lies with all the earnest piety of one who truly believes they are doing God's work.
Somewhere around age 12, the brain finishes developing and a human becomes ready to engage in critical thinking. Rather than blind faith in what is said by people in authority, the person begins to note inconsistencies and begins to question the information. At this age, it was tradition to welcome children into adulthood. They were encouraged to seek their own relationship with their Creator in nearly all tribal communities. That ability to have direct communication with the Divine was such a threat to the brainwashing program that indigenous people's have been subjected to serial genocide. The various plants that made metaphysical journeys to other planes of reality have been outlawed and people attempting to follow the course of human spiritual growth that has been in use since pre-historic times are now criminals. People engaged in healing others using such plants are also criminals. WHY?
I did not reject spirituality, I rejected indoctrination. I believe it is my DUTY to attend my spiritual growth as diligently as I tend my physical health. It has now been a journey of several decades, and I think I have at least a partial explanation for what has happened to us, and how we can heal.
Many people feel this is a spiritual awakening, and that the battle now raging is one of the spirit as much as the flesh. Yet what the people seem to demand is spiritual homogeneity rather than taking time to honor each others spirit, a result of their infantilized ability to seek the Divine. It is only Divine to them if it brings approval of people they consider "authorities." If the voice of God ever came into their ear, I suspect most people would run get a pill from the shrink to make it go away.
Everything in the day to day world is being thrown at us faster, more violently, it is louder, brighter, less harmonious... It is distracting. It absorbs so much of our time and energy that we do not have time to meditate or look inward. No one gets paid to sit on their ass and try to not think, so no one in search of "success" does it. But what do we sacrifice by focusing so intently on this world that we have created?
The dream-time, that is what we lost. The very word "dream" now means "Which material object do you wish you had?" and if someone sets a lofty goal for themselves, they are likely to be admonished for it - "Stop dreaming. Get real." The ancient traditions used plants to help people enter the dream-time with full awareness, and a guide was sent with them to help them understand where they were and what they saw. The guide was there for support, not to indoctrinate. Many traditions taught that one should never discuss what one saw on such journeys, it was common knowledge that each person had a personal relationship with their Creator, and it was considered inappropriate to get involved in such a personal thing.
It is not merely that the plants that enabled crossing barriers of perception were made illegal, it is not only that traditional healing methods were criminalized, but then the ruse of "healthcare" learned how to extract parts of these medicines and administer them for mind control and profit. The newest generation of drugs have bizarre side effects that are clearly interfering with the dream-time humans are meant to enjoy. Antidepressants directly regulate neuroreceptor activity to please the pharmaceutical industry rather than cure anything. These pills do not even pretend to cure, and they carry warnings like "This might make you want to kill yourself or someone else" and sad people still take them. It is an updated definition of insanity, and yet it is the standard of "mental health professionals."
The latest class of sleep aids makes people get up and wander to the refrigerator and eat uncontrollably, or drive in their sleep. There is a weight loss medication that causes "anal leakage." Listen, if you are having trouble getting a date due to your weight, that is sad. Honestly, I don't think anal leakage is going to improve your love life, or make you feel better about yourself.
Drugs are passed out to a brainwashed society. They trust the doctor so choose to believe what he says rather than do research. If any time is spent researching, it is to find support for what is already believed rather than to find the facts. The harm these drugs do is obvious, usually right on the label as a "side effect." Yet perhaps the real danger is in what is does to our capacity for dreaming.
There is another world where anything at all is possible. We already inhabit it we just don't pay any attention to it and so, we surrendered it. I do not know what the power-mad elite do in their hidden places, but I know they are very blatant with their use of symbols relating to the occult. I know that lucid dreaming is possible, and I have come to believe that it is critical that humanity actively engage in the practice and begin to reclaim our dream-time. When we lived in tribes, surrounded by people who knew us and loved us, initiation into dream-time travel was considered one of the most important aspects of entering adulthood.
Yes, our homes have been stolen. Yes, we have been made slaves to fiat currency. Yes, we have stooped so low as to force our children into odious debt just to educate them. The people are in the streets now, trying to right these wrongs, and that is good to see. I suspect that our battle MUST move to the spiritual plane, though, if truth and love are to prevail.
I am on a journey. It is my journey, you cannot join me even if you and I both want it. But I urge you to reclaim the third of your life that is the most magical, and perhaps the most empowering. We have been denied all manner of assistance to reach this place, and that is why I think it is vital that every human who dreams of a better world get damn serious about dreaming.
Tonight, and every night, I challenge you all to occupy your dreams - you were meant to dwell there, it is your gift from your Creator. Lucid dreaming does NOT require plants or Shamanic guides, it requires a little practice, some patience, and intent. Two methods I know of to get started are:
1. Tell yourself several times a day "I will find my hands in my dreams tonight." When this notion is ingrained in your brain, it will come to you in a dream, and you will "wake up" in your dream and look at your hands. What happens next will probably be wild - it is a little freaky the first time. People also tend to start flying - it seems there are distractions even in the dream-time. The flying is a hoot, but... If you find yourself in a realm where anything is possible, there are more useful ways to pass the time.
2. Every time you walk through a door, ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" Eventually, you will dream you are walking through a door and ask yourself.
I do believe the great awakening is well under way. I also believe the great dreaming is the next battlefield on the path to true liberty. Can a body ever be free if the soul has been robbed of its dreams?
"I have a dream." - MLK, Jr.
"We will take that, too." - The 1%
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