Occupy America Social Network
It is that time of year again.... The "Holy Day" wherein we celebrate the birth of a man who supposedly arrived to a chorus of angels declaring "Peace on Earth, good will to men." Never mind that we commemorate this blessed event with a name and date that have nothing to do with any facts that can be found. God forbid that anyone actually feel responsible for helping bring about some peace on earth or have actual feelings of good will toward their neighbors. No, really, God forbid it. The God of modern society, appearing unto us in myriad manifestations of plastic-coded electrons that convey to us our every want and need. The Omnipotent one who giveth us perfect "Friends" and taketh the burden of interaction with living people; that hath reduced communication to garbled half-words from a world of Twits; the Great Mystery that moves All Media Mouths in a chorus of praise. That God. This is that God's Sacred Season, when we can murder innocent people (women and children first!) over who has the better prophets but unite under the One God with real power around here who loves all his profits equally. I miss the peacenik dude I believed in as a kid. Whatever his name was, or when he was born, or even if he was never born, I liked the part about "Peace on Earth." Apparently tired of angelic choirs who either got the message totally screwed up or have a really sardonic sense of humor, God has provided us with direct marketing to tell us when to shop-pray, where to shop-pray and which bargains God himself could not resist!
It is a cruel thing we do to our children - either lie to their face with some "Santa" story that one day, you will be busted on, or tell them the truth and let them hear all their friends say "There IS TOO a Santa!" I appreciate that my parents told me the truth, but kids are kids.... I actually used to hope they were wrong and we were just not good enough for him to visit. The one good thing that used to happen seems to have been lost completely: It was the time that my scattered family would get together, and if not able to physically meet, at least pick up the phone and catch up. Both of my parents have been dead for a long time now, and those years have seen such drift among my siblings that most no longer even know my phone number, nor want to know. I'm a truther, they don't want to get on any lists by contacting me, nor encourage my abnormal behavior. They have no problem with pat downs and X-rays, they have a real problem with my whining about corruption and conspiracies. How is it we can believe in Santa but not in conspiracies? The miracle of Mass Marketing for The Profit.
Christmas is just one of the lies that I no longer brook. If we can't talk about PEACE, then I dare you to tell me "Jesus is the reason for the season." If we cannot talk about peace in Palestine, there is hardly any point in talking at all. The creation of "Israel" was a recent, man-made event. We were treated to a delightful song and dance about reparations for Jews and a homeland for Jews and treaties and such, and then outsiders drew lines on a map and GAVE it to people when it was never theirs to give. "Palestine" was the name of that land for centuries and there were people there. Their tribal governing bodies were just as legitimate as our Congress, except they were actually accountable to the people. The problem was these tribal systems don't play the "fiat currency and taxation" game and The Lord of Profits finds that most unholy.
Indeed, we appear to have engaged in a Holy Crusade, where all infidels must be wiped out. "Infidels" would be large groups of people who do not tithe to a government and who have failed to erect the Sacred Shrine of the Central Bank in their land. (Venezuela and Brazil, for instance. Iceland is trying) Historic synonyms are "heathens" or "savages" - politically corrected to "aboriginals" or "indigenous people." They feel MUCH better when you destroy their culture, take away their liberty, and kidnap, abuse and kill their children if you do it politely. If you are a really clever prophet of The Profit you might bring a gift - blankets, anyone?
The current definition of "civil society" is "using fiat currency to support the banking system." It is about as far from actual civility as one can get. When I was a kid, I was told "money is the root of all evil" and later someone taught me the subtler version, "the love of money is the root of all evil." There is no longer a need to split that hair. The actual currency is now the root of all the most evil things in this world. Every dollar printed not only drags humanity deeper into the Ponzi scheme, it also reinforces their death grip on our markets. I mean all the markets, from Wall Street to the Farmer's Market. There is NO free market if every transaction must happen in debt based currency. Some claim free markets got us here, some say free markets are the only way out of here, but it is a moot point until there is real money circulating in those markets.
The evil of fiat is wrapped in mysterious financial history and rendered incomprehensible by numbers like "14 trillion." Let me try to simplify it all by taking you back to "Dollar Number One." The day the Federal Reserve got to print their first dollar and loan it to "We The People":via the US Treasury, we owed them $1.01 or thereabouts. The point is, we owed them more money than existed. From the very first bill. And they have been printing them for nearly one hundred years, and recently at a frenetic pace. I hear (usually self-righteous) people proclaim they carry "no debt." I try to let them revel in their glory, they have done a good thing. I want to demand a look in their wallet and if there is one measly dollar bill in there, I'd give them a lesson in "debt."
We appear poised to begin at the least another war, maybe we can touch off a world war for the Holy Days. Iran or Syria look likely, and guess what? They don't pay fiat alms to The Profit. All that "Axis of Evil" stuff - same thing. Indeed, if you do a little digging, you will find all that "Democracy" we have been spreading has yielded little to nothing for the people, it has given The Profit a Sacred Central Bank in these places. "Tell me what Democracy looks lie?" deserves a new reply: "Odious Debt."
If humans want to be free, we have to stop circulating the currency that casts their marketing spell anew, each time we pretend it is money. The Bible actually has a concept that I consider the eloquent solution: Jubilee. It is basically debt forgiveness (plus liberty throughout the land and a few other treats for the people.) I know we are all trained to want to see suckers pay for their mistakes, have lazy people be forced to do without, yadda-yadda-yadda with your hatred of the various victims of The Profit. The debt cannot be paid, ever. There is more debt than money in existence since the first bill was printed. Forgiving the debt is the only thing that actually solves it. We all send the Fed all the currency they printed, and the principal is repaid, then we forgive all debt including our interest-debt to them. Then we get real money back in our hands and never lie to our kids about history again. Our children's minds are filled with nonsense about Santa and no one teaches them about Amschel Rothschild, Jekyll Island, or even the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. When we allow history to be muddled, we allow it to be twisted and used for endless evil. No matter what The Prophet and the Almighty's Media Chorus tell us, there will never be a "balanced budget" nor peace on earth using fiat currency to fund war.
How often have people recited this, and never considered it something they were supposed to act on?
"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Matthew 6:12
Forgiving debts - right up their with "peace on earth" in sins against The Profit.
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