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This is an over simplified crash course of what I have been studying for years now. If anyone wants clarification on any point, I will happily attempt to oblige, but I will link a good source to learn more than I can teach you for each point. These are links to educational resources, not just individual articles. If you want to KNOW something, you have to LEARN something.
The silver market is manipulated.
The value of one ounce of gold expressed in ounces of silver has been a fairly constant rate, reflecting the quantity available of these items. That ratio has historically been roughly 15:1, until the country abandoned the gold standard (and adopted a fiat currency.)
When silver was treated as money, it was saved the way gold is saved today. Although presently not "legal tender," most people still know that gold has historically been considered "money" and many still value it as such. Now, we continue to stockpile gold as it is mined, but mine silver at a deficit because we consume it in many of our products.
If the historic valuation was 15:1, but we are saving gold and consuming silver and finding more uses for silver, logic indicates that ratio should be moving toward parity. Instead, it is around 50:1 as of this writing. This apparent DECREASE in silver's "value" occurs amid rumors that silver may be the first element on the periodic table to run out. I saw the USGS report myself, but can no longer provide you a link to that source. Make of that what you will. Here is another youtuber suffering the same problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFPf3v8YBNI
Here is another article discussing it from another good site for silver education:
The "moneychangers" as someone once called them, have changed silver to paper thr5ough their market manipulations. The demand for silver as "money" is being met with another flurry of paper. The way to know if you have silver or paper silver is easy. Can your "silver" do this?
Take a hard look at that list, and consider how much of the machinery used to wage war requires silver. While they are selling the people paper silver, they are blowing up the real stuff. If the people get their hands on the dwindling supply of the real stuff, their ability to wage war is severely reduced, "modern" warfare would be impossible.
The war is the profit making machine of choice of evil people. They cannot afford to wage war if silver is properly valued. They cannot afford to blow up a precious metal, so they must keep the public held in the belief that it is a "barbaric metal" and "too volatile" to invest in. The truth is it is an amazing element, with new uses being discovered all the time:
Meanwhile, the demand for a safe store of wealth for the average person finds demand for silver climbing here in the US:
And "going parabolic" in China:
Please note the Chinese citizens are being sold paper silver in massive quantities.They already hold massive US debt, how do you think they will like being stiffed for silver? But I digress.
I know there are many people with no jobs, no homes, no money of any sort who are excused from this responsibility. I know there are many out there like me, though. I am surviving, just making it. But I squeak out enough to buy an ounce every now and then. I will continue to do so until they can no longer use this precious and increasingly rare element with healing attributes, for mindless murder. If you can afford it, I urge you to join me in buying silver for peace. Someone did an interesting calculation, your "fair share" is less than 2 pre-1965 dimes.
I suspect it may bring us prosperity too, but I am talking about investing in making a future worth having, not just making money for the future.
So c'mon, Buddy, can you spare a dime?
Make it silver.
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